Paweł Horożaniecki


referee Paweł Horożaniecki
date of birth [dd/mm/yyyy] 22/05/1983
nationality(ies) Polish


date location wdl match competition
08/11/2022 Zb±szynek D Poland - Republic of Ireland 0-0 (3-2 Penalties) MU15s Friendly
27/03/2023 Szczecin W Poland - Luxembourg 2-0 MU16s UEFA Development Tourn.
15/06/2023 Żagań W Poland - Norway 2-1 MU16s Friendly

Career Statistics

gms pw pd pl yp avg yp rp avg rp pfp (s) pap (s)
3 2 1 0 5 1.7 1 0.3 1 (0) 0 (0)