Grzegorz Krychowiak

 Goal Analysis  Men's Senior  *since 2018/2019

Goals scored

Goals (matches played) 2 (46)
Goals per match 0.04
Scoring frequency (minutes played) 1,795 (3,589)


Goals scored between 1' - 15' 1 (50%)
Goals scored between 16' - 30' 0 (0%)
Goals scored between 31' - 45' 0 (0%)
Goals scored 45' + 0 (0%)  1st half 1 (50%) 
Goals scored between 45' - 60' 1 (50%)
Goals scored between 61' - 75' 0 (0%)
Goals scored between 76' - 90' 0 (0%)
Goals scored 90' + 0 (0%)  2nd half 1 (50%) 

Shot type

Right foot 2 (100%)
Left foot 0 (0%)
Header 0 (0%)


Starting line-up 2 (100%)
Off bench 0 (0%)

Played as

Midfielder (Central) 2 (100%)

Type of play

Open play 1 (50%)
Set play 1 (50%)
Penalty goals 0 (0%)
Penalties taken 0 (Success rate 0%)
Penalties won 1 (Converted 1)
Penalties conceded 1 (Converted 1)
Own goals 0


Inside the box 2 (100%)
Outside the box 0 (0%)


Scored in a win 2 (100%)
Scored in a draw 0 (0%)
Scored in a loss 0 (0%)


Competetive 2 (100%)
Non-competetive 0 (0%)


Home 1 (50%)
Away & Neutral 1 (50%)


Albania 1 (50%)
Israel 1 (50%)

Goals by club

FK Krasnodar 1 (50%)
Lokomotiv Moscow 1 (50%)

Goals by coach

Jerzy Brzęczek 1 (50%)
Paulo Sousa 1 (50%)